Director of Curriculum and Learning
Email Jamie Hales
Curriculum and Learning
The Saginaw Township Community Schools mission is to educate, guide, and challenge all students to develop lifelong learning skills necessary to successfully contribute and compete in a rapidly changing global society.
"We are committed to providing our students with the best possible education. Our processes for selecting and adopting new resources and programs for our curriculum are teacher-driven and student-centered. Our students must have access to exceptional resources. They need to be prepared for today’s evolving world, but just as important, we want them to have a love for learning that supports academic excellence."
Jamie Hales, Director of Curriculum and Learning

Jamie Hales

Patti Miller
Email Patti Miller

Up-to-Date Recommended HIV/AIDS & Human Sexuality Curriculum Revisions
Michigan Schools are required to teach about dangerous communicable diseases, including, but not limited to, HIV/AIDS. Instruction regarding dangerous communicable diseases, including, but not limited to HIV/AIDS, must be offered at least once a year at every building level (elementary, middle/junior, senior high). School districts can choose to teach sex education. If they do, they must do so in accordance with those sections of the Michigan Compiled Laws (MCL) related to sex education and reproductive health. This curriculum (and all instructional resources) have been reviewed and approved following MCL guidelines. Saginaw Township Community Schools (STCS) have established content-specific learning goals and objectives for student knowledge and skills that will support a positive and healthy student personal growth journey as each one progresses toward being college and career ready.

Please see the HIV/AIDS & Human Sexuality Instructional Content & Sequencing Guides for each grade level: