STCS Foundation

The Saginaw Township Community Schools (STCS) established an educational foundation in 1992 when Dr. Wayne Vasher was Superintendent. At that time, a very organized group of community volunteers and school staff worked tirelessly to build a well financed foundation to support the schools beyond what tax dollars can provide. The dedication and inspiration of those early workers is being continued today. The fruits of everyone's efforts and contributions creates a strong vibrant foundation whose very purpose is to help make STCS a truly exemplary school district in the State of Michigan.
Vision Statement
The Saginaw Township Community School Foundation is committed to serving the community through expanded educational opportunities. The initiatives can include, but are not limited to, the following:
Provide mini-grants to support innovative teaching ideas in the classroom.
Encourage artist-in-residence programs to enrich student learning.
Reestablish the Honor Alumni program as a way of recognizing the achievements of graduates.
Support opportunities that would introduce students to the arts in our region and state. The Saginaw Bay Symphony Orchestra, the Saginaw Choral Society, the Marshall Fredericks Sculpture Museum, the Saginaw Art Museum, the Midland Center for the Arts, and the Detroit Institute for the Arts represent some of the many arts organizations from which students would benefit.
Help develop career awareness programs at all grade levels.
Encourage and support leadership training programs.
Promote activities that increase multicultural awareness and appreciation of diversity.
Provide enabling funds that would create opportunities for K-12 students.
Encourage citizens to create scholarships annually.
Donate to the STCS Foundation
We would appreciate your generosity to help give back to Saginaw Township Community Schools and their teaching staff.
-Through United Way by designating the ‘Saginaw Township Community Schools Foundation’
-Write a check (payable to STCS Foundation) and mail it to: STCS Foundation P.O. Box 6278, Saginaw, MI 48608
Contributions to the STCS Foundation are invested by the Saginaw Community Foundation. The principle is protected and cannot be spent. Each year, a portion of the proceeds becomes available to support educational programs within the Saginaw Township Community Schools.
Education in the United States is being dramatically affected by research studies on student learning. The Saginaw Township Community Schools, by establishing a permanent foundation, has positioned itself to be on the cutting edge of these research studies. Teachers attending educational conferences can bring back to the district innovative ideas to implement in the classroom. Funding teacher mini-grants will get the highest priority by the STCS Foundation.
"When we invest in the education of today's young people, we are really investing in the development of the next generation, and the next, and the next. The ripples spread out from our investment -and where they will end we can never know."
-Dr. Russell G. Mawby, Chairman Emeritus of the W.K. Kellogg Foundation.
Become a Board Member
Want to help make a difference? Become a STCS Foundation Board Member! Please email the Foundation Board at to express your interest.
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