STCS Nutrition Services Logo

STCS Nutrition Services

Exciting News!

Michigan School Meals Logo

We are pleased to announce STCS will be participating in the Michigan School Meals program for the 2024-25 school year! The Michigan School Meals Program allows public school districts that participate in the U.S. Department of Agriculture School Nutrition Programs to serve K-12 students one free breakfast and one free lunch daily!

Family Portal Example Picture

Attention Parents!

We have switched over to a new cloud based service for our online meal payments, Education & Benefits forms and overview of students lunch accounts. The previous web portal is no longer active.

Please go to to set up the account for your family. You will need your child's student ID number to set it up. This can be found on their school ID, class schedule or on your Skyward Family Access page. Please do not use zeros in front of the ID number when setting up your account.

There is a short 3 minute video and instructions on the link on the portal page.

We are excited to offer this new user friendly, smartphone friendly, portal for our families!

Summer EBT Benefits Information

If you filled out an Education Benefits form and were approved for the 2023-24 school year or you received a letter regarding direct certification approval, you will automatically qualify.

Frequently Asked Questions answered by MDHHS. Summer EBT FAQ's

Form to fill out and MAIL TO MDHHS if you are not automatically qualified from an Education Benefits form or Direct Certification. MDHHS SEBT Form

Meet Up and Eat Up Logo

Looking for Summer Meals for your kids?

Save your family time and money with free Meet Up and Eat Up summer meals for your kids this summer! To find meal sites near you, visit Michigan's interactive map or text "FOOD" or "COMIDAā€¯ to 304-304. These meals are for all children 18 and under.

Join Our Team Logo

We are looking for a few more great people to add to our team of nutrition professionals! Click the button below to see our current job postings.

Don't want to work every day? Apply as a substitute and choose the days you are available!

Breakfast Logo

Breakfast is served at all STCS Buildings every school day!

Why choose School Breakfast?  
School breakfast will give your child a healthy start to the day. 

Students who eat breakfast have better attention and memory , and studies show that eating breakfast at school results in higher test scores  Hungry children are more likely to have discipline problems.  In addition, studies show that  kids who participate in the School Breakfast Program are late or absent from school less often.