Principal Alan Kern presents his "What's Going On at Mackinaw" update to the Board of Education.
3 days ago, STCS
White Pine Learning Community 7-2 is starting out the school year with team building activities!
#LearningTogether #NewYearNewTeam
8 days ago, STCS
When you get to touch hockey's Memorial Cup!
14 days ago, STCS
Parents...still need your student's immunizations or dental assessments? Here's your chance!
15 days ago, STCS
The Heritage Curriculum night and parent resource fair is still scheduled for tonight (Tuesday, August 27th) at Heritage High School.
16 days ago, STCS
Welcome Back STCS!
22 days ago, STCS
The busses have arrived!
24 days ago, STCS
Our newest students are committed to Kindergarten at STCS and can't wait to start the year!
#WelcomeToSTCS #TinyDesksBigMinds #EveryStudentEveryDay
25 days ago, STCS
Everyone needs a little ice cream break during professional development days! Thank you to Trombley Insurance Agency in Saginaw for sponsoring the treats!
28 days ago, STCS
Back to school for our entire STCS staff! We are excited and can't wait to see our students again!
about 1 month ago, STCS
New Teacher Workday has launched! Introducing new teachers to the various departments in the district!
about 1 month ago, STCS
We love our STCS kids!
about 1 month ago, STCS
We're enjoying meeting all the families at the National Night Out!
about 1 month ago, STCS
Please note, the Pop-Up Picnic scheduled for Wednesday, July 10th has been rescheduled (due to expected heavy rain).
The new date will be Wednesday, July 17th. Same place, same time (11am-2pm, Weiss Elementary School).
2 months ago, STCS
Join the Saginaw Township Police Department for their annual Pop Up Picnic. We'll see you there!
3 months ago, STCS
White Pine Middle School sixth graders visited Shiawassee National Wildlife Refuge recently. They enjoyed VIP access to the wildlife drive, which opens to the public on June 1st. They took a nature hike, enjoyed a picnic lunch and played a game to learn how changes to the environment affect migratory birds.
#STCSFieldTrips #OutdoorLearning
4 months ago, STCS
White Pine Middle School art students were honored at the STCS Board meeting for their 2D, 3D and Photography collection of art. These kids are so talented!
#STCSArt #StudentCreativity
6 months ago, STCS
White Pine Middle School art students were honored at the STCS Board meeting for their 2D, 3D and Photography collection of art. These kids are so talented!
#STCSArt #StudentCreativity
6 months ago, STCS
Congratulations to the Heritage High School Hawkbots Robotics team! Their Alliance won the First Robotics Competition district event in Midland! Alliance 1 was a team effort with Hemlock's Gray Matter, Fenton's Titanium Tigers and Heritage's Hawkbots. The Hawkbots move on to Mt. Pleasant for the next competition and continue to earn points towards qualifying for States!
#GoHawks #Robotics Fenton Tigers Robotics Hemlock Schools
6 months ago, STCS