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Saginaw Township Community Schools


2004 STCS Foundation Grants

We are proud to announce the grant recipients for the 2004-2005 school year. This year we awarded a total of $4900 for the following successful programs.

Project: Performing Arts for Elementary Students
Recipients: Carolyn Gaus, Carol Veenkant, Mary Casler, Michelle Kempt and Steven Rodrigues
School: Elementary Education
Amount: $1000
This project provides opportunities for 2nd and 5th grade students to hear and see our STCS middle and high school performing groups.


Project: Pedometers
Recipients: Lili Markey and Christina Theil
School: Elementary Education
Amount: $500
This is to puchase pedometers to help students in grades 3-5 get physically fit.



Project: Edmark Reading
Recipient: Karol Haag
School: Plainfield
Amount: $500
Note: The funding will help purchase the Edmark Reading Program Level 2.



Project: Distance Learning Anatomy
Recipient: Margie Talbot

School: Heritage High School
Amount: $500
This funding will go towards purchase a distance learning experience so students can "attend" surgery.



Project: Strategic Instructional Methods Strategies
Recipient: Ladonna Pike
School: Special Education
Amount: $500
Note: Materials and support for the Strategic Instructional Methods Strategies traing for special education teachers.


Project: Literacy Bags
Recipient: Antoinette Kern
School: Sherwood
Amount: $500
Note: Funding will purchase Learning With Literacy bags, which include leveled books in various subjects, supporting materials for books, and take home bags.

Project: TRY Program
Recipient: Amy Idizor
School: Arrowwood
Amount: $500
Note: This funding is for the Training, Resources and You (TRY) program, which increases parental involvement with bi-monthly training sessions for 25 families from the Early Childhood Developmentally Delayed program.

Project: Bullying & Teasing Prevention
Recipient: Marcia Spelman
School: Elementary Traveling Teacher
Amount: $500
Note: This funding will be for a bullying and teasing prevention presentation for grades 1-4.

Project: Reading & Writing Deficits
Recipient: Merrie Haufe
School: Heritage High School
Amount: $400
Note: This is for a pilot project targeting Special Education students with deficits in Reading & writing.


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